Archaeological Course in Colchester

Colchester WEA is running a course on archaeology for ten weeks starting in January and there are still places available.  The tutor is Howard Brooks from Colchester Archaeological Trust, who is well known to CAG through his work with us on the Wormingford  Lodge Hills site and Marks Hall.  Howard is an excellent tutor with lots of experience and this course should be well worth doing.  Details are below.

Course Title: Prehistory and Roman History of Colchester
Course Description: This course looks at DNA evidence for human origins, and then at Mesolithic, Neolithic, Bronze, and Iron Age inhabitants. We will review evidence of Roman invasion and the end of Roman Britain. The final session will be a walking tour around Roman Colchester.
Tutor: Howard Brooks
Venue: Castle Methodist Church, Maidenburgh Street CO1 1TT
Day of Week: Thursdays  Time: 10:00  Duration: 2 hrs
Start Date: 08/01/2015  No. of Weeks: 10
Fee: £68
Contact Name: Dr. Roger Slade  Telephone: 01206 578527  Email: