CAG has collected, & published, a significant amount of material online over the past years, these can be found under the following sections of the Website:
CAG Bulletins & Newsletters
Colchester Archaeological Group publishes a number of reports, updates and other information about the work of the Group in its Bulletins and Newsletters. These date back to 1958!
Bulletins were previously only issued in paper form They are now available on this site in PDF, Adobe Acrobat. Please note they remain copyright material and may not be reproduced, stored or transmitted in whole or part without the prior permission of CAG.
From 2019 CAG produces a twice yearly Newsletter by email to members. Bulletins will only be produces to cover specific subjects when required.
Articles for inclusion in the Newsletter should be sent to the editor.
Over the years we have collected a large range of books focused on Archaeology and History. These are available to all our Members. By the kind permission of the Colchester Archaeological Trust, our Library is based at Roman Circus House. In 2024 the Library moved to a more accessible location downstairs in the Café/stage area.
The current 2024 index is now available here as pdf’s:
Aerial Photos

CAG now has a collection of nearly 3000 digital aerial photos dating from the 1970s to almost the present day. The bulk of the images were taken by Ida McMaster between about 1970 and 1990, with many more from David Grayston and others. They cover mainly North-East Essex and South Suffolk and are particularly useful for identifying crop-marks. The list is fully indexed, by OS grid reference, parish and feature type. It is free to CAG members on production of a memory stick to copy it to. Please e-mail
Publications include:
- Survey of World War Two Defences in the Borough of Colchester, Project Report 2007,
- Middle Bronze Age burials and an Anglo-Saxon ditch at Great Tey,
- The Stour Valley: A Prehistoric Landscape
- The Lost Mansions of Marks hall – From Demolition to Discovery,
- The Lost Tudor Hunting Lodge at Wormingford,
- The Red Hills of Essex, and
- Four of the CITiZAN Reports on the Mersea Island Discovery Programme.
Fine out more here.
Archived Reports
The following Archived Reports from this website can be viewed here.
1. The Stour Valley, A Prehistoric Landscape
2. The Lost Hunting Lodge of Worminford
3. A Watching Brief in Peldon Churchyard
4. Suspected Roman Road at Great Tey
5. My first year in archaeology by Neil Short (Link)