Useful Links for Archaeology in Colchester


The Colchester Archaeological Group has found the following links to be of use in the local activities in the past and hope visitors might find them of interest also:

Colchester Archaeological Trust:

Colchester Museum:

  • Managed by Colchester & Ipswich Museums who run 7 museums including Colchester Castle, Hollytrees & the Natural History Museum in Colchester.

Colchester Young Archaeologists’ Club

  • The club for those aged 17 and under and having an interest in Archaeology, is the local branch of the national organization dedicated to giving young people the opportunity to be inspired and excited by archaeology, and to empower them to help shape its future.  The national link is also provided.

Friends of Colchester Museums:

  • Founded in 1949 to encourage people of all ages to find out about the riches within the local museums and to preserve local heritage for future generations.

West Essex Archaeological Group:

  • Formed in 1958 “to  promote the advancement of knowledge and education by a study of archaeology, history and kindred subjects particularly in West Essex”.


  • Introducing Camulos, a Celtic war god, from whose name the Romans derived the name Camulodunom for the town, this is a site all about the history of Colchester.

Mersea Island Museum

  • The Mersea Island Museum is an independent museum established in 1976 and occupying purpose-built premises in the centre of West Mersea, just to the east of the Parish Church. The traditional local activities of fishing, oystering, wild fowling and boat building are represented.

Council for British Archaeology:

  • The Council for British Archaeology is an educational charity working throughout the UK to involve people in archaeology and to promote the appreciation and care of the historic environment for the benefit of present and future generations.

Fordham Local History Society