Welcome to the Colchester Archaeological Group

We have been working since 1955 to bring together the contribution volunteers can make to local archaeological knowledge and discovery.
The Group organizes a series of archaeological digs throughout the year to help members develop and practice their skills in excavation.
There is also an annual series of lectures during the winter months, (Some on Zoom) study visits and other fieldwork designed to promote knowledge and interest in archaeology.
A great deal of what has been learnt by the group over the years is recorded here to help you find out more about your area.
Within the Group are a numbers of sub-groups where members take an interest in a specfic area. ie Fieldwork, Landscape Archaeology or Roman Roads.
Why not join us and help us discover more.
CAG is a registered Charity (1028434)
Click on the link* below to see or download our latest pdf newsletter
*CAG Newsletter JANUARY 2025
Latest addition to site
CITiZAN reports on Mersea Island (x4)
Colchester Borough Defences in WW2, Report 2007 by Fred Nash and CAG. Downloadable edition, in the Publication section
Middle Bronze Age burials and an Anglo-Saxon ditch at Great Tey, Laura Pooley and Howard Brooks (in publications)
CAG now has a collection of nearly 3000 local digital aerial photos dating from the 1970s to almost the present day. see Library page
Facebook page
Please feel free to visit our Facebook page
Members please note the following:
Whilst CAG will continue to make every effort to send out notifications by post to members who are not on email, but for administrative reasons, we can no longer guarantee that all notifications will be sent out in this way.
Receiving information by email means you will also hear about other opportunities to get involved with Archaeology. Other groups regularly contact us asking to share information about talks and events they have going on.